Hi there, I'm Emma!
Your PCOS/Post-Pill Naturopath

Does this sound like you?

  • You have been told that your blood tests are all fine but you don’t feel fine

  • You have been diagnosed with PCOS and were told to either ‘take the pill’ or ‘just lose weight’

  • You are ready to come off the pill but are worried about those pesky post-pill symptoms

  • You want a better understanding of your body and how to optimise your cycle and fertility

Then you need a Naturopath in your life!As a Women’s Health Naturopath I can help you find and treat the root cause of your hormone imbalances, not just the symptoms.

What it's like being treated at Happy Hormone Health

Emma is amazing!!
Emma has worked with me over the past 7 months to transition off the pill (after 10 years of use). We began to correct my deficiencies & improve my insulin sensitivity, reduce migraines, & improve my moods, digestive issues, & energy two months prior to transitioning off the pill.
This helped me get my cycle back quicker & ease my body into post-pill life. I suffered with heavy & painful periods, but after working with Emma, I now experience hardly any period pain, & I am more in-tune with my cycle. She has assisted me in finding a deep appreciation & connection with my body & cycle. The knowledge & experience that Emma holds is incredibly empowering to her clients & is literally LIFE CHANGING! I am so grateful to have found Emma & for her continuing guidance along my journey.- Zoë
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Whether you’re looking for a solution to a current issue you’re facing, or you’re looking for support with a holistic approach, this wonderful, knowledgeable, bubbly naturopath Emma, is your gal!!
I initially reached out to Emma before coming off the pill, as I was quite worried about potential side effects.

Meeting with Emma I straight away felt comfortable.
We discussed everything, from what being on the pill actually does to your body, tracking your cycle, nutrition, mental and social health, and so much more!
I received a tailor-made treatment plan, going over everything we had discussed, and how I could best support myself and my hormones overall moving forward.
Looking how far I’ve come, I can honestly not be more happy and thankful that I reached out to Emma.
So, if you’re looking for someone who genuinely cares, and truly wants to help and support you wherever you’re at in life, look no further than Emma! :)
- Emily


Initial consultationAn initial consultation runs for 60 minutes and involves:
- Discussing your past and present health
- Dietary & lifestyle analysis
- An analysis of any blood test resultsWithin 24-48 hours, you will be sent a treatment plan which includes:
- Holistic understanding of your presentation
- Recommended herbal medicine & supplements - which will be sent directly to you via a supplier
- Dietary advice
- Lifestyle advice
- Referral for functional pathology testing if necessary
- Further reading to empower and educate you
Return consultations
Return consultations run for 45 minutes and are roughly 4 weeks after the initial consultation.
This is where adjustments to your prescription can be made to keep you on the path of healing:
- Revision of health & symptoms
- Analysis of any pathology/blood tests
- Updates to prescription


What is a Naturopath?
Naturopaths are qualified health professionals that view health holistically.
Naturopaths always aim to address the root cause of illness in the body.The tools we use to heal include: herbal medicine, dietary changes, food as medicine, specific nutritional therapy & lifestyle advice.Naturopathy aims to educate the person to look after their own health and the health of their family, minimising symptoms of any illness, supporting the body’s capacity to heal, and balancing the body so that illness is less likely to occur in the future.What are your qualifications?
I hold a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) and am a member of ATMS (#52437).
I do not live in Australia, can I still have an appointment with you?
At this current stage, there are some select international consultations available for those who reside in the UK - please choose an international consultation on the booking page
Are herbal remedies and supplements included in the cost of the first appointment?
No, any remedies prescribed in your appointments are at an additional cost. Pricing varies depending on what you need but can be worked around your budget.
Do you offer private health rebates?
As of April 2019, health insurers are no longer allowed to offer rebates for naturopathy. I am hoping health fund rebates will be re-instated in the near future.

About Emma

After suffering irregular cycles, acne, mood swings and vicious side effects from coming off the pill throughout my studies, my passion for women’s health was ignited.These struggles helped me understand exactly how it feels to be told by conventional medicine that your blood tests are ‘all fine’ despite being riddled with pesky and rather embarrassing symptoms that you can’t control (hello acne!).Instead of focusing on going dairy free/sugar free/carb free/happiness free, my approach focuses on nourishing the body, healthy behaviours and finding what is right for you.My mission is to empower women with the knowledge to overcome their hormone imbalances so they can regain normal, symptom-free menstrual cycles and get on with being their happiest, healthiest self.I provide an individualised approach to women’s health by combining up-to-date research, lab testing and evidence based naturopathic medicine to find and treat the root causes of YOUR symptoms.

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